Frequently Asked Questions



I know my due date, but what if my baby has a different plan in mind?

Lol! No worries. It’s actually better to pay the retainer to reserve baby’s spot as soon as you know the expected delivery date. It is not uncommon to book your newborn shoot, when you are just a couple of months pregnant. This allows us ample time to go over color choices ahead of baby’s arrival and customize a session specific for your baby. Shoots are done within first 14 days and, trust me, at that time you don’t want to be thinking about how to book a photo shoot when you are sleep deprived and getting the hang of feeding an infant. Also, when you book after arrival, dates often are booked and I may not be able to fit you into the already filled up schedule. Those clients with a pre-paid retainer always get date priority.



I don't want photos of a crying baby. How can we prevent this?

As the saying goes, babies eat, poop, and sleep. For studio posing, they do best when they are in a very deep sleep. We highly recommend that you feed your baby right before you leave your house for the shoot so that baby will sleep for at least an hour after arrival. Please bring a pacifier to help soothe an upset baby to help get the best photos possible.



What if my baby poops or pees during the shoot?

Poop happens. A lot. It is completely common for a baby to soil their blankets during a shoot. They cannot control it afterall. We recommend bringing a couple of blankets in case one happens to get dirty. We also have several props that we use regularly for photo shoots. Please don’t feel embarrassed should an accident happen. I can assure you it happens more times that I can remember and its completely normal. Concerned about cleanliness? Not to worry. I wash all used props and blankets after each newborn session with non-scented detergent. Baby’s safety is our number one priority.



Will my baby be cold?

We regulate the temperature with the understanding that newborns need warmth. In addition to the blankets the photo shoot room is kept warm, since they are only wearing a diaper. We recommend that anyone who is attending the shoot dress comfortably, as sessions are usually an hour long. Having photos of those first few days of your baby’s life are so precious. With proper planning you can have a wonderful photo shoot with memories to last a lifetime.